Emergency Declaration (비상선언) is an exciting movie; highlighting the melody Kang-ho and Lee Byung-hun, Cannes-chosen “Crisis Announcement” handles significant moral inquiries — yet devised plot components stumble in its story process.

Emergency Declaration (비상선언) poster
- Title: Emergency Declaration (비상선언)
- Director: Han Jae-rim
- Cast: Song Kang-ho, Lee Byung-hun, Jeon Do-yeon, Kim Nam-gil, Kim So-jin, Park Hae-joon
In the wake of a welcome to the Out of Rivalry segment at the 2021 Cannes Film Celebration, Crisis Statement should be one of the previous year’s marquee Korean blockbusters.
Notwithstanding, Coronavirus flare-ups postponed its delivery as of not long ago in August 2022 — an obscurely extraordinary destiny for a film that focuses on a plane constantly denied consent to land because of an organic danger.
Regardless of highlighting large-name entertainers like Melody Kang-ho (Parasite), Lee Byung-hun (A Mixed Life), and Jeon Do-Yeon (Monsters Ripping At Straws), however, Crisis Statement neglects to take off. While the film sports unique enhanced visualizations and scratches at more profound subjects, it requires a lot of suspension of conviction to appreciate completely.
Emergency Declaration: Infection on a Plane
Emergency Statement starts with shots of a jam-packed Incheon Worldwide Air terminal. A fashionable young fellow named Jin-Seok (Siwan of ZE: A) stands around, searching for an objective to travel to.
Something doesn’t add up about him; he catches a man named Jae-hyuk (Lee Byung-hun) and his young girl, creepily finds out where they’re going from a gear tag, and concludes he’ll purchase a ticket for their flight KI501 to Hawaii.
In the meantime, a police investigator named In-ho (Melody Kang-ho) gets a tip about a web video containing the dangers of going after a plane. Spontaneously, he examines — and finds that Jae-hyuk is the video’s maker and will deliver a destructive microbe on a packed flight.
Emergency Declaration: Plane To… Not Busan
It seems like Crisis Statement needed to resemble the megahit zombie K-spine chiller Train to Busan, yet traded the train and zombies for a plane and hemorrhagic infection.
The film contains praiseworthy embellishments and visuals, for example, some activity-stuffed shots of Japan Air Self-Preservation Power (JASDF) F-2s and Republic of Korea Aviation-based armed forces (ROKAF) F-16s that you wouldn’t track down in any Western film with a similar degree of CGI quality.
Like Train to Busan, Crisis Statement additionally attempts to address profound subjects, most prominently the ideas of segregation and penance.
We see civil servants on the ground go with cold-blooded, however sensible choices to help the numerous at the expense of a couple, people who choose for penance themselves to bring about some benefit for the many, and human cultures — be it on the ground or board KI501 — quibble and part notwithstanding these choices.
The film has a go at inquiring: is the infection that Jin-Seok delivers all the more dangerous, or is society’s response to it?
Emergency Declaration: Fly the Implausible Skies
Besides, Crisis Statement doesn’t lay out clear principles for its made-up universe, and critical plot components appear unrealistic. This makes it difficult for the crowd to suspend doubt and completely partake in the film.
For instance, Jin-Seok’s infection should have a short hatching period and time to death — yet after one introductory traveler kicks the bucket quickly, every other person figures out how to remain alive.
Vital government strategy choices likewise get made in slapdash habits, for example utilizing a human clinical preliminary within a real sense one subject (which is hazardous given one individual isn’t illustrative of a vast populace, and something most crowds will presumably track down confusing given all the talk around Coronavirus immunization improvement beginning around 2020).
International geeks will likewise find it entertaining how the film portrays the US and Japan (the last option undeniably more forcefully, which is where those JASDF F-2s come in) separately dismissing KI501.
The unexpected challenging dynamic that those two nations show may be by Korean liberal political opinion, yet it feels odd to anybody acquainted with the global aeronautics calamity convention.
In actuality, there’d likely be a lot of choices for KI501 to arrive on some disconnected island for isolation, with a compelling reason to have contenders barrage a regular citizen stream and cause a global episode.